to iloveneneshiela
website "All
about the girl i truly love"
My Love Nene Shiela ...
is patient and kind;
it is not jealous or conceited
or proud;
love is not ill-mannered
or selfish or irritable;
love does not keep a record
of wrongs;
love is not happy with evil,
but is happy with truth.
Love never gives up;
and its faith, hope,
and patience ...
never fail.
13:4 -7
all stories, this all about a true love for a girl...
do we know if we love someone, if thats hard to answer
then how hard is it to know if you truly love someone?
In our life we find that we are not sure about a lot of
things we do. We are afraid what are the outcomes of those
decision, afraid of taking risk, afraid of falling in
love, afraid of getting hurt... When you find that special
person, for the first time ever you'll just know your
sure without a doubt. Nene, when i came to know you, i
just knew you would be the special person in my life.
Nene, so here i am. You might think this is crazy, but
i just want you to know... Theres not a thing that's crazy
enough to do just to tell you that i love you so much...
A Love Letter
August 14, 2002 2:55 AM
My Dearest nene,
Hi. How are you? I hope you like this website. i made
this for you because i miss you so much. This is my way
of expressing my love for you, using my skills to bring
out what you have inspired my heart to be.
I know i made you cry, maybe it was wrong... but i couldnt
just stand on the side and watch you leave when i know
that we should belong to each other...
I Love you.
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this picture
This is the first picture she gave me, it was taken March
26, 2000 on her graduation.